Estimated Costs for a Ramp Signal Video Detection System Include Initial Equipment and Software Costs of $10,500 and Maintenance Costs of $7,000 per Year.

Estimated Costs for a Video Detection System in Miami-Dade County, Florida Are Influenced by the Number of Deployed Locations and Supporting Software Components.

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Florida DOT has been using inductive loops and sensors at I-95 ramp signals in Miami-Dade County, but existing detectors only report volume and occupancy data. In order to support performance monitoring of ramp signals, researchers investigated the feasibility of using a video detection system for collecting performance monitoring information, such as queue length and waiting time. A three-step study was conducted to identify potential video detection systems for evaluation, conduct field testing of three systems to assess performance, and select a system for deployment based on several factors. 

Based on initial field evaluation results, the research team selected one video detection system for further investigation. Table 1 highlights selected initial costs for key components in deploying the thermal-based video detection system on ramps. Depending on the length of the ramp, which ranged from 200 to 1,200 feet in the study area, a total of two to five video detectors may be needed at each ramp.

Table 1. Video Detection System Initial Deployment Costs



Unit Price

Thermal-based video detector    

Minimum 2 per ramp


Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) interface to video detectors

1 per ramp


Central Control Software License

1 (handles up to 200 video detectors)


Queue Length and Waiting Time Plugin

1 per video detector


Live video streaming capability (optional)

1 per video detector


License for higher accuracy count capability (optional)

1 per video detector


The costs for system installation, programming service for integration with the existing monitoring system and new support structures such as poles, pole bases, conduit, pull boxes, and cables were not quantified and therefore are not included in the table.

Maintenance Costs

Hardware maintenance services including camera cleaning and a system check were estimated to take a maximum of two days a year, at $125 per hour per person. Software maintenance is estimated at $5,000 total per year, covering all related software components.


System Cost

Thermal-Based Video Detection System for One Ramp - Minimum Initial Cost: $10,500; Maintenance Costs: $7,000 per year

System Cost Subsystem