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Cost of constructing new managed lane facilities ranged from $6 million to $23 million per mile in the Minneapolis area.

Estimated costs of new managed lanes based on existing right-of-way and lane configuration, geography, and presence of roadway connections.

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Mn/DOT began operation of the State's first application of HOT lanes on a segment of the Interstate 394 (I-394) corridor in the Minneapolis/St. Paul region on May 16, 2005. This system is one of the first in the United States that dynamically adjusts pricing levels in response to traffic conditions. Recognizing the use of the I-394 MnPass deployment as a test bed for evaluating the viability of the HOT lane concept and the broad interest in the application, Mn/DOT implemented a comprehensive evaluation effort to assess the system.



Estimated costs of the construction of new managed lanes (carpools, buses, motorcycles, and MnPASS) in Minneapolis vary between corridors based on existing right-of-way, geography, existing lane configuration, and whether or not an interchange or direct roadway connection is indicated. The following table summarizes the cost per mile for the construction of these lanes given specific circumstances.



Cost per Mile
Lane added to median, narrow shoulder and narrow lane widths, bridge crossing
$6,000,000 to $11,500,000
Lane added to median, no roadway connections
$7,000,000 to $12,000,000
Existing left lane converted to dynamic managed lane, right shoulder converted to general purpose dynamic priced lane, no roadway connections
$9,000,000 to $16,500,000
Mainline realignment with narrow shoulder and narrow lane widths, no roadway connections
$12,000,000 to $17,500,000
Mainline realignment with narrow shoulder and narrow lane widths, roadway connections
$12,000,000 to $23,000,000



System Cost

New managed lane facilities cost $6 million to $23 million per mile