Evaluation of Arterial Travel Time Information System in Minneapolis suburb costs $180,000

Cost to conduct an evaluation on an Arterial Travel Time Information System

Made Public Date


There are a number of ITS initiatives in Minnesota in both operation and in development. This document presents an annual report of the Mn/DOT OTST ITS Section’s funded activities for fiscal year July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. These activities include initiatives led by the ITS Section and initiatives led by other agencies in which the ITS Section played a funded supporting role.

The purpose of the Arterial Travel Time Information demonstration project is to:

  • Determine how arterial travel time information should be displayed on Dynamic Message Signs and websites through input from focus groups and customer surveys
  • Deploy and evaluate the accuracy of two arterial time estimation methods using real-time data.
  • Using one or both systems, deploy actual real-time arterial travel time messages on dynamic message signs and on a test website
  • Obtain feedback from the motoring public to determine the usefulness of the information provided.


The evaluation costs $180,000 over a year and a half period.

System Cost

Cost to conduct evaluation - $180,000.