Study reports automated speed enforcement system costs 5.9 million euros in Denmark and 178,000 euros in Finland.
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This study provides an overview of CERTU research on speed and automated enforcement implemented in Europe, Australia, and North America. The study outlined issues associated with data treatment and storage, identification of vehicles/drivers, legal/penal issues, opinions of law enforcement personnel, and general information associated with system costs

The paper reported that a one-year automated speed enforcement pilot project involving nine vehicle-mounted cameras cost 5.9 million euros in Denmark.

Additionally, the paper provided the equipment cost of an automatic speed enforcement system along a 50 km stretch of highway in Finland. As shown in the table below, the system consisted of camera equipment and detectors at 12 camera sites. Costs (178 000 euros) are 1995 prices.


Equipment Description Costs (euros)
Speed Enforcement Camera 12 camera sites, including cameras, flashes, computer and equipment required for photo developing/editing 145,100
Detectors Loop detectors embedded in the road, including two replacements over a two year period. 30,600
Other Other costs 2,300
Total 178,000

Excessive Speed and Automatic Enforcement

Excessive Speed and Automatic Enforcement
Source Publication Date
Nouvier, Jacques
Unpublished paper released by ISIS with participation of INRETS (French National Institute for Research on Transport and Transport Safety) and CERTU.