Operating costs for Tennessee DOT’s HELP program were $5.6 million for FY 2004-05.
Made Public Date

The Tennessee DOT (TDOT) HELP program began in 1999 for the purpose of reducing traffic congestion, improving safety, and assisting motorists in distress. HELP is a component of TDOT's intelligent transportation system (ITS) - SmartWay.

HELP operates in Tennessee's four major cities: Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville. Hours of operation are from early morning to late evening, 7-days a week except for four holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, and Fourth of July). In addition to conducting regular patrols on Tennessee's most heavily traveled roads, HELP units respond to requests from the Tennessee Highway Patrol to assist with crashes outside the normal patrol areas as well as provide assistance at special events that create additional demand on the transportation system.

The HELP program employs 85 operators, working supervisors, and dispatchers. The HELP operators and supervisors are trained and equipped to respond to incidents, and are certified as emergency medical "First Responders." The HELP fleet consists of 69 trucks. During FY 2004-2005 three new trucks were purchased.

Operating costs for FY 2004-2005 were approximately $4.8 million which included salaries, vehicle operation and maintenance, fuel, supplies, and other related operating costs. Amortization of trucks and equipment added approximately $800,000 per year. The annualized value was estimated using a 5-year life for the trucks; however, based on TDOT experience trucks are kept in service in excess of 5 years. Total annual operating cost for FY 2004-2005 was $5.6 million.

The majority of funds for the initial HELP startup costs were federal: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) for Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville; and Surface Transportation Program (STP) for Chattanooga. Operating costs for FY 2004-2005 were predominately state funded. TDOT plans to use a mix of state and federal funds in the future.

See also: Link to the HELP Annual Operating Report, July 2005 - June 30, 2006 system cost summary.

HELP Annual Operating Report: July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005

HELP Annual Operating Report: July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005
Source Publication Date
Office of Incident Management, Tennessee DOT, and Vanderbilt Center for Transportation Research
Office of Incident Management, Tennessee DOT
System Cost

Operating cost: $5.6 million.