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A 33 percent mean reduction in risky driving behaviors was observed in a test involving 191 service drivers.
Date Posted

In-vehicle Data Recorders for Monitoring and Feedback on Drivers’ Behavior

Summary Information

This paper describes the potential of in-vehicle data recorder (IVDR) systems to be used in commercial and research applications as tools to monitor and provide feedback to drivers on their on-road behavior. The implementation of IVDR was demonstrated using the example of the DriveDiagnostics system. This system can identify various maneuver types that occur in the raw measurements, and use this information to calculate risk indices that indicate on the overall trip safety. Drivers received feedback through various summary reports, real-time text messages or an in-vehicle display unit. Validation tests with the system demonstrated promising potential as a measurement tool to evaluate driving behavior. Reductions in crash rates and the risk indices were observed in the short-term.


The experiment included a blind profiling stage and a feedback stage. The framework of the system included four tasks: measurement, detection, analysis, and feedback. All the trips made in the vehicles were monitored. The system also maintains records of the log-ins made by all drivers to their personal driving reports. Additional variables that represent drivers' past involvement in car crashes were also collected from the company records. In all cases, drivers were informed that the IVDR records would not be used in any way against them.


The results reported are based on installations in 191 vehicles (and 191 service drivers) in a single company located in Israel. The vehicles were all compact pickup trucks that were used only on the job, by technical employees who used them to travel between service locations. Each vehicle was assigned to a single driver, and vice versa. Although they drive significant mileage, the drivers were not professional drivers and were not employed as drivers. Feedback was provided without any adverse or other tangible consequences for drivers.

  • Testing involved 191 service drivers, providing feedback alone, with no driver consequences, resulting in a 33 percent mean reduction in risky driving behaviors.