Cost of DGPS Lane Departure Warning Systems estimated between $500 and $1,000 after 20 years on the market.
Made Public Date

The technology for a DGPS-based Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) has not been deployed for automobiles on the market. The following is an estimate from Minnesota DOT (Mn/DOT) for the potential costs of a DGPS-based LDWS based on expected market penetration and an initial start cost of $8000 per unit (including the cell phone modem that transmits the location). As a result of market penetration, modeled off of mandatory and non-mandatory equipping, they predict costs will drop to $500-$1,000 at the end of 20 years.

Cost per unit of LDWS At End of 10 Years Cost per unit of LDWS At End of 20 Years Cost for deploying LDWS for total volume of cars at end of 10 years Cost for deploying LDWS for total volume of cars at end of 20 years
As per Analogy to Seat Belts (Mandatory) $1,097 $500 $2,911,694,142 $1,925,700,000
As per Analogy to ABS
$2,274 $1,000 $3,526,904,084 $3,576,300,000

Table 7.2 Cost Model for DGPS-Based LDWS

System Cost

Vision-Based LDWS: $295 to $2,800 per unit Total cost for all equipped cars in Minnesota (10 years): $1.93 billion Total cost for all equipped cars in Minnesota (20 years): $3.58 billion

System Cost Subsystem