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Lane departure warning (LDW) systems sold in the United Kingdom ranged in price from $457 to $750 per vehicle (2009).

Experience with in-vehicle safety systems in the United Kingdom

Made Public Date

This study evaluated the potential casualty benefits and fitment costs of several in-vehicle safety technologies designed to help drivers avoid the most common types of passenger vehicle crashes, including rear-end collisions, pedestrian-vehicle conflicts, and lane departure and run-off-road crashes.

Advanced Emergency Brake Systems (AEBS) for passenger cars have been developed with two primary designs:

  • AEBS-1 have been designed to mitigate rear-end collisions with stationary targets where closing speed are 40 mi/hr or less
  • AEBS-2 have been designed to mitigate rear-end collision with vehicle in front regardless if it is stationary or not.

Second generation AEBS have been designed to address pedestrian-vehicle conflicts These systems can apply full braking power 0.6 sec, 1 sec, or 2 sec before impact with a pedestrian.

Lane Departure Warning (LDW) System for passenger vehicles provide in-vehicle warnings in the event of an unintended lane departure which could result in head-on collisions, side swipe collisions, or a run-off road crash. These systems, however, only provide a warning to the driver and do not take automated action.


In 2011, cost for passenger car AEBS ranged from $334 to $1,337 (250 to 1000 Euros) per vehicle. Currently, these prices were thought to include markups to consumers as optional extras. Future prices would likely be lower through economies of scale.

In 2009, findings from literature reviews and interviews with stakeholders indicated that AEBS that include pedestrian collision countermeasures can cost between $1,499 and $2,249 (1,000 and 1,500 British pounds) per vehicle. These systems were available to consumers as an optional extra. In 2011, a system offered by Volvo was priced at $2,126 (1,380 British pounds). Future prices for these technologies were also expected to be lower through economies of scale.

In 2009, 22 makes and models of vehicles in the United Kingdom offered lane departure warning systems as an optional extra. The market price of these systems ranged from $457 to $750 (305 to 500 British pounds) per vehicle. This technology as well was expected to drop in price with economies of scale.

System Cost

Advanced Emergency Brake System (2011): $334 - $1,337; Advanced Emergency Brake Systems with pedestiran detection (2009): $1,499 - $2,249; Lane Departure Warning Systems (2009): $457 - $750

System Cost Subsystem