Provide robust online resources for cars equipped with automated vehicle technologies as this is the primary place drivers seek this information, not in their owner's manuals.

Survey of Tesla drivers identifies characteristics of early adopters of automated vehicle technology.

Date Posted

Investigating Driver Experience and Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays in Autonomous Vehicles

Summary Information

This thesis was an attempt to understand the challenges of driving a semi-automated vehicle, the role of cognitive and social factors and driver characteristics, and how interactive technology can be used to increase driving safety. A component of the study was a survey of 121 Tesla drivers using the partially automated driving features of their Tesla cars.

Current users of Tesla's automated driving features have high levels of trust in the automated driving capability of their vehicles, their trust only increasing with experience. Automation failures were common, but these early adopters were comfortable in handling these situations. The Tesla drivers generally did not use owner manuals to learn about their vehicles, preferring to seek out information about their cars by using online sources. The majority of Tesla drivers check multiple information sources when their car software receives an update. Overall, these findings show that driver needs are changing as the vehicles become smarter and connected.